A Series of Unfortunate Events

Help! I need somebody... Help! Not just anybody...Help! I need someone...Help~~~

- Lost wallet with my remaining salary, atm card, health insurance card, last copy of my grad pic and creative pose pics (pati sa classmates), my hand-written phone book, video city card, laking national card (and yes, almost 3 years din yun)
- SHOULD have gotten my new atm card last Friday, but the pin number was not working yet, so I wasn't able to get it. Kamusta naman, lapit na sweldo.
- Was planning to pass a lab report at the ECCE dept last Aug 12, Saburday, 12 nn, but wasn't able to coz I was in the office working my ass off. Planned to send it to a classmate and let him pass it, but wasn't able to coz there's no MS Office and even Openoffice there (can't be installed either) and I couldn't open the file to finish it.
- 20% of the total grade of #3 will be deducted EACH day including holidays and weekends. Must be passed with signature of the ecce department, day and time of submission. Luckily, the dept is only open half day on saburdays. SHOULD pass this monday, highest possible score is 60%. And the passing score?60%. Kamusta naman dabah.
- Went to a dental office near the office (and used my dental insurance). Dentist said there's a possibility for a root canal. 2K per root x 3 roots, so 6K overall. It's because my previous dentist didn't really do a good pasta job, some decay remained inside the pasta. Ugh. I hope that the dentist wouldn't have to do some root canal after I receive the xray results.
- Arrived dripping-wet at the office two consecutive days (pati panty ko muntikan ng mabasa).
- Newly-bought umbrella now ruined.
- Hurt my thigh with a pair of pliers while fixing my umbrella.
- Sipon sipon sipon. Clocked out early the past two days. Less work hours. Less salary.
- Research mode not yet over.
- Slept two hours a day for the past few days.
- Butas ang wallet.
- Haven't done any programming assignment due this week.
Help! I need somebody... Help! Not just anybody...Help! I need someone...Help~~~
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